Sunday, April 27, 2008


So, I must have taken some obnoxious drug to have agreed to the night we had last night. Jake has been asking for a sleepover since summer. He wanted these same boys since summer. So we agreed for is birthday, he could have 5 boys over. 3 of them we knew to be sweet and nice. 2 of them are like Jake...wacky and wild. Then this week, the group of them did a side deal and invited another boy whom I knew nothing about. UGH. I felt bad when the mom called, so i let him come over. I had concerns, but "God grant me the serentity" right? So Sky pie went off to Sisi's house and we stayed and waited...
The eve of darkness began at 4pm, after a 1pm baseball game that 1/2 of them played in. They went home, showered and came over pumped up because they kicked booty. The yelling and running began. My threats began. hurry. So we ate and went off to see a movie, NIMS ISLAND. I must admit they were great there. I had to seperate Jake and one boy in the car because they just seemed to bring out the insanity in each other. Bri took the more "spirited" group in the van and I took Jake and 2 others. Upon return cupcakes and presents and fights over who will get to be which star wars guy and in which way??? UGH
9;30 Star Wars movie on...all sit and watch til 10:00 when 2 leave because they couldn't stay over and then 4 go off to play. 1 quiet guy sits with Bri and watches the movie. 10:45...time to chill guys. Go lay down. They chant "movie" in the room in which they were sleeping. I think a lot of these kids have tvs in there room. That is not something we encourage at all, but we agreed to 30 min of scooby doo. 2 of the 5 pass out. OH WAIT, did I mention one boy was allergic to the dogs and I had to contact his parents twice. UGH. well, he was one of the 2 that passed out after 11. Jake and the other 2 of the wacky boys stayed up teasing and wrestling to the point they were getting too rough. Bri had to lay in the room to calm them down. Jake was so overtired, he was crying. By the time all was said and done it was about 12:05. Well, Bri got up to let the dogs out at 6 and to go potty himself...MY BOY, the earliest bird ever was up at 6:15 and woke up everyone! So here I am trying to shush them a bit longer so I can fully wake. I gave bri til now to sleep and 1 boy seems to be able to sleep through an atomic bomb because he is still passed out.
I am going to have my coffe and make a massive stack of pancakes. It was painful and interesting. I didn't scream too much because I told much as I can't believe we agreed to this, WE DID AGREE TO THIS...I must keep my cool and learn from my "mistakes".

We will have about 3 hours of silence then the family comes over for his bday dinner.
MY BOY IS 8 on Wednesday....

1 comment:

KLG said...

this could be a great story for birth control...heheheee! just kidding. i love this story. great detail! :) when can you catch up on rest?